No guarantees the V-shape will hold
MSCI All World Index constituents could see a 70% decline in earnings in 2020, while JSE-listed firms are expected to report a 30% decline in earnings.
A chance to change for the better
We need to reshape our societies around these mega shifts to ensure we create a more inclusive tomorrow.
A better tomorrow
It is easy to become pessimistic in the face of the very real challenges. But history teaches us that periods of disruption and uncertainty go hand-in-hand with innovation.
The bumpy road to investment success
CIO Samantha Steyn and Investment Analyst Yanga Nozibele explore the highs and lows of Microsoft and Nestle investors
Buy businesses, not stocks
CIO Samantha Steyn talks investing in businesses as opposed to buying stocks as a strategy, citing Microsoft and Nestlé as examples.
Economy in a death spiral
“We have run out of money. We must make hard decisions, now! We are in an exceptionally hard place” – CE Dr Adrian Saville
On bears, bulls and fallen felines
“This list bears eerie similarity to the features that characterised the Great Depression of the 1930s” – CE Dr Adrian Saville
Beyond the doomsday machine
Watch CE Dr Adrian Saville and Signal Risk director Ronak Gopaldas reimagine economic policies and practice in a post-Covid world.
The state of South Africa
CE Dr Adrian Saville and Signal Risk director Ronak Gopaldas discuss the future of SA’s economy and possible solutions.
Depression-style investing
CE Dr Adrian Saville talks to Lindsay Williams on the current state of the market and how to position your portfolio for a depression.
Depression-type portfolios
CE Dr Adrian Saville talks to CNBC Africa about how to position your portfolio for a depression.
Dangers of deflation
Listen to CE Dr Adrian Saville talking to Moneyweb Radio about the dangers of deflation